Latch, mutex and beyond

May 25, 2012


Filed under: 11.2,Conference,Mutex,Spinlock,Theory — andreynikolaev @ 7:50 pm

A week ago I was back home from MEDIAS-2012 conference. It was held in Limassol (Cyprus), near the spectacular ruins of ancient city Amathus. This was unique style general Computer Science conference with speakers including legendary Soviet cosmonaut Alexandr Serebrov and the inventor of Mean Value Analysis Professor Martin Reiser.

In my experience the Reiser’s Law stating that “Software is getting slower more rapidly than hardware becomes faster” has been repeatedly illustrated by numerous performance problems I observe.

RDTeX presentations covered Oracle topics ranged from Data Warehousing by Mikhail Kozyr to Oracle Coherence by Alexei Zolotarev.

This conference gave me unique opportunity to discuss mathematics related to Oracle mutexes. If you are interested, you can download my presentation here.

And, of course, Cyprus is a great place to visit!

Thanks to Professor S.V. Klimenko for kindly inviting me to MEDIAS 2012 conference.
Thanks to RDTEX for financial support.
Thanks to RDTEX Technical Support Centre Director S.P. Misiura for years of encouragement and support of my investigations.

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